JW Sparks
cutting edge service with historic integrity
trust in the right hands
2022: Top 5 Advisor in the World
Top 2 Advisor in Africa
Managers Choice Award
$20, 000, 000USD written
I am an independent International Financial Advisor
I represent the 2nd largest private international wealth advisory business in the world. We give global information on all private and corporate wealth opportunities. I am not driven by one particular sector or country. I take into consideration each and every individual based around their wishes, risk levels and responsibilities to those dear and close to them.
My drive is to maintain and grow my client's position in the world economy, earning higher returns than the world stock markets, creating wealth without greater risk of loss always using the World Index as a benchmark
I understand to be the best in the market I need to win your trust by earning your business step by step.
Warren Buffett
"the less prudence with which others conduct their affairs the greater the prudence with which we must conduct our own affairs".
John’s understanding and knowledge of the industry comes from many years of hands on experience, since leaving the commerce field. His leadership qualities have blended well with his genuine interest in people, a gift that has played a major roll in his success. John’s vision has now become a reality. This and other visions he has, has earned him the nickname of “The Visionary.” A name given to him by regular clients and people that have been recommended to him. It is his dedication and youthful enthusiasm that has enabled him to caption the phrase, “impressions of complete distinction”.